Python Package Publishing: From Code to Open Source Success

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Unleash Your Python Potential: A Comprehensive Program for Aspiring Package Developers

Embark on a transformative journey into the world of Python package development with our all-encompassing program. Tailored for a broad audience, from beginners to seasoned programmers, our program offers a unique blend of learning and practical application, empowering you to create your own Python packages using cutting-edge tools and techniques.

What You'll Get:

1. eBook PDF: Dive into our electronic book available in both English and Spanish. It's your roadmap to understanding Python package development, enriched with practical examples and insider tips.

2. Source Code & Documentation Template: Gain hands-on experience with our comprehensive package example and a ready-to-use documentation template. These resources are designed to give you a head start in your development journey.

3. Exclusive Coaching Option (Optional): Accelerate your learning curve with access to a program-approved coach. This personalized mentoring, available at an additional cost, is your ticket to expert guidance and faster progress in Python package development.

# Contents

1. Introduction ............................................................................. 7

2. Preparing Your Development Environment .................. 11

3. Develop your Project ........................................................... 20

4. Package your Project .......................................................... 52

5. Deploy your Project ............................................................. 61

6. Document your Project ...................................................... 72

7. Conclusion ............................................................................... 85

A. Appendix: Git Cheat Codes ............................................. 87

Pages: ........................................................................................... 93

Program-Approved Coaches:

  • Andrew Garcia (This Book's author) - Instruction: English
  • Renzo Nana (Computer Science graduate & mentor) - Instruction: Spanish

Program Highlights:

- Python Package Creation: Learn to build Python libraries from scratch, incorporating modern development practices.

- Package Management Mastery: Get comfortable with the PyPI ecosystem and publish your packages with confidence using tools like Poetry.

- Best Coding Practices: Adopt standards for writing clean, maintainable code and enhance your programming skillset.

- Effortless Documentation: Master the art of documentation with ReadTheDocs, creating clear and user-friendly guides for your packages.

- Version Control with Git & GitHub: Embrace efficient version control and collaborative development techniques for a streamlined workflow.

Whether you're aiming to refine your skills or starting from scratch, our program is the gateway to becoming a proficient Python package developer. With our resources and optional coaching, your journey to mastering Python package development starts here.

Jupyter/Colab Notebook Screenshot

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Whether you're aiming to refine your skills or starting from scratch, our program is the gateway to becoming a proficient Python package developer. With our resources and optional coaching, your journey to mastering Python package development starts here.

Book (PDF)
Source Code (Python, Docs, Notebook)
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Python Package Publishing: From Code to Open Source Success

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